
We are a leading global provider of automotive test and verification solutions that facilitate the development of vehicles that are safer, more efficient, and more sustainable.


Founded in 1982 as a vehicle engineering consultancy, we have grown to become one of the world’s most trusted suppliers of automotive test systems. Today, we offer a diverse range of track and laboratory testing solutions. From suspension and steering development machines to driving robots and advanced driver assistance and autonomy testing solutions. Our clients include the top 25 global vehicle manufacturers, Euro NCAP laboratories and numerous government test authorities. As part of the AB Dynamics Group of companies we enable customers to develop and test in virtual environments, validate on the track, and then evaluate vehicles on public roads.


Group businesses

AB Dynamics is proud to be part of AB Dynamics plc. As part of the group, we can support you with a comprehensive portfolio of automotive testing and development solutions.

A-Z Products

Do you have a particular AB Dynamics product or solution in mind? Browse our complete list of products and solutions and find the one that suits your testing and development needs.

A-Z List

What our customers say

“AB Dynamics’ driverless solution improves safety and enables us to increase the accuracy and repeatability of our testing for customers. This not only leads to more valuable results but helps to minimise unnecessary damage to vehicles.”

Oscar Durro, Product Manager, Vehicle Misuse Applus+ IDIADA

“We are delighted to integrate AB Dynamics' SPMM Plus into our facility and our vehicle dynamics consultancy services. It allows us to accelerate vehicle development and measure suspension performance more accurately and efficiently. Ultimately, it enables us to provide enhanced vehicle dynamics solutions to our customers.”

Boris Kirchner, Managing Director. TRE

“The SPMM has proven to be an excellent product; efficient and flexible in use, accurate and exceptionally reliable. ”

Ian Willows, Consultant Engineer. HORIBA MIRA


We're looking for exceptional people who are passionate about what they do. Learn more about starting a career with AB Dynamics.

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We have office locations in the UK, Germany, USA and Japan, supported by a global distribution network. Learn more about your nearest AB Dynamics office or distributor location.

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Need support with your AB Dynamics equipment? We offer worldwide support, boasting a network of trained specialists.

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