Laboratory testing

Class-leading products and solutions for testing and validating vehicles in the laboratory.


Our laboratory-based development tools are used by many of the world’s leading vehicle manufacturers and Tier 1 suppliers. We specialise in suspension, chassis and steering system test solutions that are all designed to help you develops vehicles and sub-systems with accuracy and efficiency.

Explore our laboratory test solutions

Heavy vehicle testing

Enabling manufacturers, regulators, and researchers to evaluate and enhance the development of heavy vehicles.

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Vehicle dynamics development

We offer a suite of advanced track test and laboratory test technologies to test various aspects of vehicle dynamics including suspension, steering, braking, stability, and rollover resistance.

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Vehicle benchmarking

When you need to understand your competitors’ vehicles and why they behave like they do, we have the tools to make meaningful comparisons.

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Steering development

Characterise and tune steering systems with precision and accuracy using our track and laboratory test technologies.

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Suspension development

Develop suspension systems accurately and efficiently with our kinematics and compliance (K&C) and suspension NVH test machines.

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A-Z products

Do you have a particular AB Dynamics product or solution in mind? Browse our complete list of products and solutions and find the one that suits your testing needs.

A-Z list
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