Track Testing

Innovative products and solutions for testing and validating vehicles on the track.


We provide a scalable track testing product range that consists of precise driving robots, realistic soft targets, accurate platforms, and wireless telemetry systems, all underpinned by a common software interface that allows you to test and evaluate your vehicles with accuracy and efficiency.

Explore our track test solutions

ADAS testing

Comply with regulatory requirements and drive the development of safer and more sophisticated ADAS technologies with our comprehensive range of integrated products.

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NCAP testing

Reliable testing equipment and predefined scenarios makes meeting the latest safety standards and regulations set by NCAP bodies easier and more efficient.

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Autonomous vehicle development

Create realistic, multi-object scenarios for testing autonomous vehicles using our suite of products synchronised together.

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Durability and misuse testing

A driverless testing solution that removes drivers from risk, increases efficiency and improves test data quality.

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Heavy vehicle testing

Enabling manufacturers, regulators, and researchers to evaluate and enhance the safety features of commercial vehicles.

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Vehicle dynamics

Improve the ride, handling, and stability of your vehicles by using our driving robots to conduct various vehicle dynamics tests, such as fishhook and sine-dwell.

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Products A-Z

Do you have a particular AB Dynamics product or solution in mind? Browse our complete list of products and solutions and find the one that suits your testing needs.

A-Z list
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