
Software solutions that optimise your track test experience.

Software solutions

Our software

At AB Dynamics, we understand the complexities of track testing. Our software solutions are designed to streamline your workflows, offering intuitive interfaces, robust data analysis capabilities, and a vast array of preconfigured templates to simplify regulatory and NCAP testing.

Our software lies at the core of our track test product ecosystem, providing a flexible, scalable toolset. Whether you’re conducting simple tests or complex, multi-vehicle scenarios, our software suite saves you time and ensures reliable and repeatable results.

Related products

ADAS targets

Our range of ADAS targets simulates real-world scenarios and objects for testing advanced driver assistance and autonomous systems.

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ADAS platforms 

Our range of ADAS platforms offer versatile and robust solutions that enable precise positioning and motion control of ADAS targets on the track.

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Driving robots

High-performance driving robots that enable repeatable and accurate testing of vehicle dynamics, handling, and performance.

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An alternative to driving robots, drive-by-wire removes the need for mechanical actuators and controls the vehicle via CAN or ethernet.

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Our driving robots and ADAS platforms work with a wide range of GNSS inertial navigation systems including those manufactured by OxTS, GeneSys and Racelogic.

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Augmenting and optimising our track testing products, our range of accessories include video capture, object scanners and mounting struts.

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